I’ve been preaching on the promise of the Father. Jesus came from heaven, became a man, died on the cross and rose from the dead so He could send us the promise of the Father—the Holy Spirit. The presence and indwelling of the Holy Spirit is often little appreciated. The Holy Spirit is the One who takes the things of Christ and shows them to us. He also brings the ability of God to us and empowers Christ’ life in us. God went to great expense to give us the Holy Spirit. There are many things the Holy Spirit does for us: He gives us power to be witnesses for Christ. He reveals Christ to us and through us. He writes the law of God in our hearts and brings purity to our life and conduct. (This law is the love nature of God.) God has given us a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. This great gift is so precious we need to value it (Him) highly. Of all the things God could give us, none can be so precious as His Holy Spirit. I’m encouraging us to cultivate the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives through worship, prayer, and biblical reading and mediation. The Holy Spirit is the one that unveils your life purpose and destiny in God. We cannot put a high enough value on Him.