Recently, in a meeting with church leaders, we were discussing the need for volunteers. This can be a problem from time to time. While thinking on how to increase participation in service I was led to Ephesians 4. Paul talks about the 5-fold ministry and their purpose to equip for service. In verse 16 he states: "from Christ the whole body, joined and knit together by that which EVERY joint supplies, according to the effective working by which EVERY part does it share, causing growth of the body for building up itself in love." I've often thought how awesome it would be to be a prophet, or an apostle, even an evangelist! These are great titles and positions! Brad the evangelist! Has a ring to it doesn't it? But how about Brad the joint? Did you notice Paul said the body grows by that which every JOINT supplies? Now being a joint does't sound as cool as being an apostle does it? Or a teacher? But without our joints the body does not, cannot function. Oh how necessary these parts are. In reality, Jesus taught, that those that serve are the greatest of all. The invisible parts become the most necessary. Grace Pointe can't function without nursery workers, church cleaners, lawn care and maintenance people, home visitation, visits to shut ins, intercessors, etc... No one in the body is without something to do. A 5-fold ministry should actually lead the way by example of service. I truly believe the old saying "many hands makes light work." When everyone in the body steps up and serves, then the body grows and is built up. I want to thank all the folks at Grace Pointe who regularly serve without a lot of fanfare, without you the church would cease to function. For those standing on the side lines I'm making an appeal to share in the load. Paul said EVERY joint supplies when EVERY part does its share!